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United States>
St. John's University School of Law>
Prof. Lee
 | Lee, Y.S. | Email: Website: Primary Department: Law Number of Ratings: 0 Average Rating: 0.0
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Course Name | Course Number | # of Files | Departments Taught In | Accounting For Lawyers | 1000 | | BUS, LAW | Administrative Law | 1000 | | ADMIN, LAW | Admiralty Law | 1000 | | INTL, LAW | Adv Bankruptcy Res Sem-Part I | 1020 | | BKRPT, LAW | Adv Bankruptcy Res Sem-Part Ii | 1030 | | BKRPT, LAW | Adv Bankruptcy Res Sem-Partiii | 3050 | | BKRPT, LAW | Alternative Dispute Resolution | 1020 | | ADV, LAW | American Indian Law Seminar | 1000 | | INDRIGHT, LAW | Antitrust Law & Intel Prop Sem | 2000 | | IP, LAW | Antitrust Laws & Competition | 1010 | | BUS, LAW | Antitrust Seminar | 1020 | | BUS, LAW | Appellate Advocacy | 1030 | | ADV, LAW | Appellate Advocacy Seminar | 2040 | | ADV, LAW | Aviation Law | 1010 | | INTL, LAW | Bank. Ethics,Fraud&Malpractice | 1040 | | BKRPT, LAW | Banking Law & Regulation | 1030 | | BUS, LAW | Bankruptcy Jurisdiction | 3030 | | BKRPT, LAW | Bankruptcy Theory Seminar | 2000 | | BKRPT, LAW | Bus. Torts & Intellectual Prop | 1080 | | IP, LAW | Business Planning | 1060 | | BUS, LAW | Canon Law | 1000 | | CANON, LAW | Capital Punishment In 21st Cen | 1040 | | CRIM, LAW | Catholic Social Thought & Law | 1060 | | LAW, THEORY | Child Advocacy Clinic | 5090 | | ADV, LAW | Children And The Law Seminar | 1090 | | INDRIGHT, LAW | Civil Externship Placement | 3010 | | ADV, LAW | Civil Practice Seminar - State | 2050 | | LAW, PRAC | Civil Rights Litigation Semin | 1060 | | ADV, LAW | Commercial Arbitration | 3010 | | BUS, LAW | Communications Law | 1050 | | ADMIN, LAW | Contracts I | 1090 | | BUS, LAW | Employment Discrimination | 1020 | | LABOR, LAW | Labor & Employment Arbitration | 1050 | | LABOR, LAW | Labor Law | 1040 | | LABOR, LAW | Social Security Law | 1070 | | LABOR, LAW | Number of Courses: 35 Want to add a course? Click Here |  |