Home> United States> NY> Yeshiva College> Prof. Rosensweig

Rosensweig, Bernard

Rosensweig, Bernard

Primary Department: Jewish Studies
Number of Ratings: 17
Average Rating: 2.9

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DateClass OQCHEKRComments Flag Rating
02/17/20101200 - Classical Jewish History3.24135Nono matter how much he likes you it wont affect your grade. excuse my French, but he's a dick.
05/25/20091200 - Classical Jewish History4.55445Yesi worked really hard in his class and managed to pull off an A.You dont really need to read all the sources just look at the old mesorah tests to see which one he asks on.Also its good to take like 3 lines from every source just so you can quote them throughout your final too make it look like you did the readings.Bear in mind this rating is coming from a guy whos last name he was very familiar with.Soto all those who believe in that stuff this rating is useless for you.
01/06/20091200 - Classical Jewish History4.85545YesPeople think that if he knows you then you can sit in the back of the class and do nothing. If you plan on doing this then avoid the course. He plays along with all the kissing up but he knows who is working. I took him twice, with no connections WHATSOEVER. I got A's both times because I sat in the front, took good notes, and actually studied.
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09/02/20081200 - Classical Jewish History4.85545YesGreat guy, good perspective on things
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05/15/20081200 - Classical Jewish History2.83125NoThis class is rediculous. He lectures for and hour and fifteen minutes straight. He rarely allows a question to even be asked. His tests are from the mesora, but it seems as if he doesn't even look at the answers you give. They say "if he likes you, or knows someone in your family, you get an A"
05/10/20081400 - Modern Jewish History3.03135NoBoring, 1 paper. Midterm and Final. There is a lot of Mesorah, but I didn't think it was worth it. There are easier teaches and if you want to learn something, there are better ones too.
11/14/20071400 - Modern Jewish History2.83125Nowouldnt take him again
05/18/20071300 - Medieval Jewish History1.81123NoIf you like kissing up go ahead. No matter how hard you work if he aint like you you aint getting any good grade. he reads out of his notes... You might be possul laeidus if you take his class because you will be gambling with your grade :). but if you don't really care about your grade and don't want to do any work he might be the way out, unless you die from being bored...
[ 3/3 people found this rating helpful. ]
05/09/20071300 - Medieval Jewish History1.01111NoIf you can steer clear. Notes dont matter in the slightest
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05/09/20071200 - Classical Jewish History1.01111NoIf you can steer clear
03/04/20071200 - Classical Jewish History2.03113NoStay away at ALL COST!
02/13/20071200 - Classical Jewish History4.05335YesGreat teacher; just listen, [take notes], read some of the sources, and write furiously on the tests, quoting notes and sources.
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02/12/20071300 - Medieval Jewish History4.25435Yesgood professor
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12/17/20061300 - Medieval Jewish History3.04233NoJusts feeds information and expects you to have done more readings for the tests. No reinfocement of material. Gives inordinate attention to people he knows.
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12/07/20061200 - Classical Jewish History1.01111NoDO NOT TAKE HIM !!!
11/28/20061400 - Modern Jewish History1.51113NoA terrible professor. Should get kicked out if not for his connections. He'd make for a good grandfather, but a horrendous excuse for a teacher of students. If he doesn't know your family (ie last name or grandparents) then forget it, youre stuck with a C or C= even before you walk into class. Don't even bother taking notes, it won't help.
[ 1/3 people found this rating helpful. ]
10/10/20061200 - Classical Jewish History3.22245YesJust make sure he knows who you are and you'll get a good grade. dont let him catch you doing other work or playing on your phone. hock him alittle.
[ 2/2 people found this rating helpful. ]
Number of Ratings: 17
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