Home> United States> NY> Yeshiva College> Prof. Fisch

Fisch, Gene

Fisch, Gene

Primary Department: Statistics
Number of Ratings: 4
Average Rating: 2.9

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DateClass OQCHEKRComments Flag Rating
11/16/20081021 - Introduction to Statistics3.03234YesFirst of all he is just not a very nice person. He takes attendance every class and does count it for your grade so make sure you are going to go if you take his class. The homeworks are kinda long and he takes off points for neatness but in the end both attendance and homeworks can count in your favor if you go and do them. The tests were almost the same as the mesorah and he allows you to bring in notes which means you can bring in the mosorah answers. If you do the homeworks (which again are long) and study a little you should get an A. I dont recomeng him considering I heard the other stats teachers are easy but IF you DO the work you CAN and SHOULD get an A -- but make sure you have mesorah. And Mesorah homeworks will make your life a little easier too but be sure to understand what you are doing.
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11/04/20071021 - Introduction to Statistics3.52525NoYou might never meet a meaner and more spirited man.
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01/07/20071021 - Introduction to Statistics2.83323NoHard course. You will know the material. You will have to be there every class, since he take attendance and considers it a lot. If you want to take it as a "requirment", take another course. If you want to take it for Economics, it might be helpful. Again, it is not an easy A.
11/24/20061021 - Introduction to Statistics2.22133YesIf you need a math, don't take statistics. If you need statistics, don't take Fisch. If you take Fisch...you're screwed. He seems to take pleasure in being uncaring and completely unhelpful and is a stickler about homeworks (which take hours. He is more lenient about tests though). He takes easy material and convolutes it making it difficult to understand, and the textbook he assigns will only confuse you further The only positive note is that the material is somewhat interesting and his utter dryness allows for the occasional joke to be slipped in class.
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Number of Ratings: 4
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