02/03/2007 | 7313W - Alt Dispute Resolution Seminar |  | 4.0 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | Yes | Good class. She has a tendency to propagandize arbitration/mediation and put it on a pedestal above litigation. I personally prefer adr/med but she definitely tries to pull the wool over your eyes. I would have enjoyed the course and trusted her much more if she gave both sides of the argument. Also very uptight. Spends lots of time trying to figure out who in class is reading and who isn't and who agrees with her and who doesn't. Will spend a good portion of class arguing with people who don't agree with her. Otherwise its great material and she does know her stuff. To conclude, she's really knowledgable, creative with using workshops, and the material is very helpful for other areas of the law. I highly recommend it, even though Prof Love really got on my nerves. |  |