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United States>
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law>
Prof. Schwartz
OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor |
Date | Class | | OQ | C | H | E | K | R | Comments | Flag Rating | 05/06/2011 | 7324 - Property |  | 3.8 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 5 | Yes | He's a sweet old man who teaches property like it's a story. He's been teaching for so long that sometimes he goes through the material faster than you can formulate a question, but he's brilliant and helpful. He teaches early in the morning though, so make sure you have lots of coffee on deck... |  | 08/24/2009 | 7324 - Property |  | 4.0 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | Yes | I liked Prof. Schwartz, funny jokes (because have not heard them before) but using outlines from swapnotes did show that he recycles all of his lectures. [ 2/2 people found this rating helpful. ] |  | 02/11/2007 | unknown - Estate Planning |  | 4.2 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | Yes | Schwartz is the god of everything regarding estates, property, etc. He may not be the most exciting professor, but he knows his stuff. I have learned so much from him and he is willing to help students, even after they graduate. He has been teaching for over 50 years, so he must be doing something right. I am a repeat student with him.
Con for some students - he doesn't really use books. |  | Number of Ratings: 3 Want to add a Rating? Click Here |  |