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Brooklyn College>
Acting II: Introduction to Scene Study
Acting II: Introduction to Scene Study |
 | Acting II: Introduction to Scene Study | Number: 11.2 Taught In: THE Course Information:
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Show This Course Taught By | Number of professors teaching this course: 0 Want to add a Professor to this course? Click Here
Quick Add A Theater Professor to 11.2 - Acting II: Introduction to Scene Study | Bonczek, Rose | Bullard, Thomas | Byam, Dale | Cohen, Robert I. | Cunningham, C. Rebecca | Hairston, Michael | Hertzberg, Deborah J. | Kearney, Richard | Leiter, Samuel L. | Marsh, Victor R. | Morrill, Edward F. | Richardson, Helen E. | Smerling, Jaclyn H. | Stein, Tobie | Thomson, Lynn M. | Vivier, Judylee |