OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor |
Date | Class | | OQ | C | H | E | K | R | Comments | Flag Rating | 01/04/2009 | 2154 - Motivation |  | 4.2 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Yes | If you have the notes, and skim the book, then it's an easy A. His papers are basically pass/fail, but don't forget APA format. |  | 05/12/2007 | 2154 - Motivation |  | 4.5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | Yes | Probably the easiest class I've ever taken in YC. The paper is a 2 page paper explaining your motivations for something you once did. [ 2/2 people found this rating helpful. ] |  | Number of Ratings: 2 Want to add a Professor Rating for this Course? Click Here |  |