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United States>
Yeshiva College>
Taught By Prof. Hurvitz
OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor |
Date | Class | | OQ | C | H | E | K | R | Comments | Flag Rating | 06/07/2010 | 3857 - Ezra-Nehemiah |  | 1.8 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | No | do yourseslf a favor and do not take this course.grades tests absurdly hard and grade is completely random.He once took 20 points off a kids test for spelling nechemi wrong even though he got the answer correct. I got a good grade and still would never take him again.Also once you get a bad grade you cannot argue with.he doesnt have an email, is hard to track down, and will yell at you if you argue your grade no matter how good the argument is. |  | 05/15/2007 | 3857 - Ezra-Nehemiah |  | 4.5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | Yes | Very nice man. [ 1/1 people found this rating helpful. ] |  | Number of Ratings: 2 Want to add a Professor Rating for this Course? Click Here |  |