04/28/2007 | 1931H - Freshman Honors Seminar I |  | 4.8 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | Yes | She will ask leading questions to bring out what she thinks are the main points of a book, and I find that I like the style very much. It's not forced, and she's very willing to listen to suggestions and discussion, but, gratifyingly, she will tactfully comment that she's not sure she understands when someone blithers ridiculously. Also, she's very laid back with deadlines and gives revisions for all of the papers. The one drawback is that she doesn't have a very clear conception of appropriate/inappropriate. You can speak to her, and she'll try to give fair warning, but she might not even realize something is bad. If you find out what the problematic parts of books are, you can tell her that you're skipping them, that's fine, just find out first. |  |