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United States>
Yeshiva College>
Taught By Prof. Wieder
OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor |
Date | Class | | OQ | C | H | E | K | R | Comments | Flag Rating | 08/29/2007 | 2605A - Chronicles |  | 4.5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | Yes | Really great material; really great professor; well presented |  | 08/14/2007 | 2605A - Chronicles |  | 4.0 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | Yes | R. Wieder is extremely knowledgeable and a good teacher as well. The course very interesting but becomes a little tedoius towards the end. You will know all there is to know about Chronicles. Throughout the semester it is an easy course to prepare for requiring a little reading and 2 short assignments each week (WARNING: One of these assignments requires you to be good at hebrew grammar, so its best to have taken Hebvrew already). There is a bekiut test at the end which requires you to know Chronicles cold (recommeneded that you take the optional mid-term) as well as a regular final on the class discussion. These are both very difficult and without a review sheet on the latter, faliure is almost certain. All and all, a great Rabbi and a good class [ 2/2 people found this rating helpful. ] |  | 05/06/2007 | 2605A - Chronicles |  | 3.8 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 5 | Yes | great rabbi. knows everything [ 0/1 people found this rating helpful. ] |  | Number of Ratings: 3 Want to add a Professor Rating for this Course? Click Here |  |