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United States>
Brooklyn College
Professor | Primary Department | Ma, Zhixun | PHY | MacIntyre, Bruce | MUS | MacLelland, Stuart | TVR | Magliozzo, Richard | CHEM | Mainardi, Patricia | ART | Mallory, Michael | ART | Mancini, Anthony | ENG | Mancuso, Carolina | EDUC | Mangan, Patricia | MDLAN | Mangan, Regina | EDUC | Marathe, Kishore | MATH | Margolies, Stephen | ART | Marks, Diane | ENG | Marquis, Jean | SEEK | Marsh, Victor R. | THE | Martinez-Pons, Manuel | EDUC | Marton, Klara | SPE | Masciandaro, Nicola | ENG | Massood, Paula | FILM | Mate, Attila | MATH | Mbom, Clement | MDLAN | McCabe, Paul | EDUC | McCartney, Kwame | PSY | McChesney, Ruth | H&NTR | McCoy, Jennifer | ART | McDonough, Laraine | PSY | McEntee, Cathy | BIOL | McGowan, Roy | BIOL | Mckay, David | ENG | McKenzie, Maryann | EDUC | McSorley, Kathleen | EDUC | Mctague, Edward | ACCNT | Meagher, David | H&NTR | Meagher, Michael | EDUC | Melani, Lilia | ENG | Mendlinger, Sheldon | BIOL | Menser, Michael | PHIL | Meppen, Adrian J. | TVR | Mermall, Thomas | MDLAN | Meyer, Andrew | HIST | Michael, Emily | PHIL | Michielli, Donald | PED | Miele, Eleanor | EDUC | Miller, PamMaderie | POL | Miller, William | MATH | Minter, Geoffrey | ENG | Miyano, Ken | PHY | Moore, Matthew L. | FILM | Moore, Matthew | PHIL | Morawski, Tolga J. | ART | Moriber, George | CHEM | Morrill, Edward F. | THE | Morrow, Sonia | EDUC | Moser, Janet | ENG | Moses, Paul | ENG | Murphy, Kevin | ART | Murray, Elizabeth | ART | Muth, Theodore | BIOL | Number of Professors: 58 Want to add a Professor? Click Here |  |